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Home / Membership
Membership Q: What will I get in return for my membership contribution? A: With an annual contribution of $20 Canadian or more, you will receive a full year's subscription to the TCBN program guide, Newsletter. Special program-related thank-you gifts begin at the $30 Canadian membership level. Most importantly, when you join TCBN, you'll enjoy the satisfaction of supporting our community's most accessible center for entertainment, education, information and culture. Please watch for Thank you gifts to be posted soon. By being a member of TCBN you will also receive a discount on all products and services form our Partner HINBEN Canada. Q: How long will it take for me to receive my thank-you gift? A: Once your donation has been received at TCBN, it generally takes 6 to 8 weeks for the receipt of your thank-you gift. Q: DoesTCBN receive any of my monthly cable fee or satellite fee? A: No. TCBN depends on the generosity of its members and receives no money from cable fees or satellie fees. Q: I don't watch much TV. Why should I become a member? A: Research tells us that public television members actually watch less television than non-members because they're more selective about what they watch. In fact, most of TCBN members choose to support the station because TCBN offers a consistent source of quality, intelligent programming for the discerning viewer.
TCBN INDIA TELEVISION NETWORK Rev. Dr. S. Alfred Kanagaraj D.D., M.Div., B.Sc., D.R.Gd.,Ph.D Bethel, No 9, Siddheshwara Nagar Dharmapuri - 636705 Tamilnadu, South India, Contact Number : +91 9597778422.