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Statement of Faith 1 . All scriptures in both old and new testament is given by the inspiration of god the Holy spirit. 2 Timothy 3:16 2 . The one true God eternally existing in three persons Father, Son and the Holy spirit. Each equally posses all the attributes of deuty. Math 28:19 3 . God became felsh through the miraculous conception by the Holy spirit. Hence christ is perfect deity and true humanity united in one person 1 Timo 3:16 4 . Jesus Christ Our Lord, lived a sinles life and volunterily atoned for the sins of mankind by dying on the cross. His blood cleanses us from all sin Rom 5:8, Rev 1:5 5 . Christ rose from the dead ascended bodily into heaven and sat on the right hand of God, The Father, as our advocate to continually intercede on our behalf Rom 8:34 6 . All who repent and believe on Christ, as saviour and Lord are to be baptized by immersion in water.Thus they declare to the world that they have died with Christ and that they have all been raised with HIm to walk in the newness of life. Mark 16:16 Rom 6:4 7 . The Holy Spirit empowers and equips us with His gifts and fruits to witness for Christ. He continually indwells in a believer from the moment of spiritual birth and seals them until the Day of Redemption Acts 1:8, Eph 4:30 8 . The Lord's supper is a symbolic expression of our sharing divine nature of Our Lord Jesus Christ, a memorial of His suffering and death and a prophesy of His coming. 2 Cor 24-26 9 . Sanctification, is an act of separation from that which evil and of dedication unto God by the power of Holy Spirit we are able to obey the command 'Be ye Holy, for I am Holy' 1 Pet: 1:15 and 16. 1 0 . Christ is coming again very soon. We must be watchful in prayer and zealous in our responsibility to fulfill the great commission. Acts 1:10 - 11, Mark 13:13; Math 28:29
TCBN INDIA TELEVISION NETWORK Rev. Dr. S. Alfred Kanagaraj D.D., M.Div., B.Sc., D.R.Gd.,Ph.D Bethel, No 9, Siddheshwara Nagar Dharmapuri - 636705 Tamilnadu, South India, Contact Number : +91 9597778422.